About the Universal Pantheist Society
Despite a long religious history, dating back beyond Spinoza to the Stoics of ancient Greece and the philosophers of ancient India, there has been no modern organization to represent Pantheists until the formation of the Universal Pantheist Society in 1975. The Universal Pantheist Society is the oldest known still-existing organization dedicated to modern and ethical Pantheism. Today, the need for an ethical Pantheism has never been greater.
The formation of the Universal Pantheist Society was based on the need to communicate an informed, modern Pantheism, and to provide for sharing among Pantheists.
The purposes of the Society are: "to unite Pantheists everywhere into a common fellowship, to undertake the conveyance of information about Pantheism to the interested public, to encourage discussion and communication among Pantheists, to provide mutual aid and defense of Pantheists everywhere, to stimulate a revision of social attitudes away from anthropocentrism and toward reverence for the Earth and a vision of the ultimate context for human existence, and to take appropriate action toward the protection and restoration of the Earth."
A summary of our "universal" approach to Pantheism can be found in Our Entry in the Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. This academic publication is a landmark in the field of Nature and Religion, and we are happy to be included in it.
Recognizing that freedom of belief is inherent in the Pantheist tradition, our bylaws prohibit any requirement for or subscription to any particular religious belief, doctrine, or creed. Persons uniting with the Society do so to further their own understanding of Pantheists attitudes, and through their fellowship with others find purposive means of expressing their faith in daily life.
Yet, members of the Universal Pantheist Society do not merely hold an abstract belief that God is Nature; we recognize
that Nature is the very core of our being, the altar of our dreams, and the source of our physical and spiritual livelihood.
When you are ready, if you would like to support the spread of pantheism and unite with other Pantheists in full membership, including subscription to our quarterly newsletter, Pantheist Vision, we invite you to join the Universal Pantheist Society. Learn more about how to join on our Membership page.
You can join the Society using our online Membership Application Form.
The formation of the Universal Pantheist Society was based on the need to communicate an informed, modern Pantheism, and to provide for sharing among Pantheists.
The purposes of the Society are: "to unite Pantheists everywhere into a common fellowship, to undertake the conveyance of information about Pantheism to the interested public, to encourage discussion and communication among Pantheists, to provide mutual aid and defense of Pantheists everywhere, to stimulate a revision of social attitudes away from anthropocentrism and toward reverence for the Earth and a vision of the ultimate context for human existence, and to take appropriate action toward the protection and restoration of the Earth."
A summary of our "universal" approach to Pantheism can be found in Our Entry in the Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. This academic publication is a landmark in the field of Nature and Religion, and we are happy to be included in it.
Recognizing that freedom of belief is inherent in the Pantheist tradition, our bylaws prohibit any requirement for or subscription to any particular religious belief, doctrine, or creed. Persons uniting with the Society do so to further their own understanding of Pantheists attitudes, and through their fellowship with others find purposive means of expressing their faith in daily life.
Yet, members of the Universal Pantheist Society do not merely hold an abstract belief that God is Nature; we recognize
that Nature is the very core of our being, the altar of our dreams, and the source of our physical and spiritual livelihood.
When you are ready, if you would like to support the spread of pantheism and unite with other Pantheists in full membership, including subscription to our quarterly newsletter, Pantheist Vision, we invite you to join the Universal Pantheist Society. Learn more about how to join on our Membership page.
You can join the Society using our online Membership Application Form.
About our Name
"We chose the name "Universal Pantheist Society" to emphasize that we are an organization for Pantheists that is "universal," not tied to any single view of Pantheism, but which recognizes the diversity of viewpoints within it. This inclusive approach to Pantheism contrasts with virtually all other Pantheist organizations which have formed since our origin 25 years ago. It seemed to us then, and it still seems to us now, that attempting to identify members on the basis of mere "belief" is a poor way of doing things, because every single person in the world has their own personal views and beliefs, which are ultimately unique to each individual. More importantly, if we live with free minds and hearts, our beliefs can (or should) mutate over time as we grow and learn. In fact, so-called "beliefs" can his the ultimate Mystery that makes the world most beautiful and intriguing. The more science discovers, the more mysterious the world becomes. What unites us is not mere belief, but something much stronger: a burning desire to seek renewed reverence for the Earth and a vision of Nature as the ultimate context for human existence."
- Harold Wood, from "Our Twenty-Fifth Anniversary" in Pantheist Vision, Vol. 22, No. 4, Spring, 2001.
Why We Incorporated as a Church
In this article published in the Winter, 2018 issue of the Universal Pantheist Society’s Pantheist Vision journal, Harold Wood, the co-founder of the organization, explains why the group chose to make the Society America’s first pantheist “church” in 1975.
"We chose the name "Universal Pantheist Society" to emphasize that we are an organization for Pantheists that is "universal," not tied to any single view of Pantheism, but which recognizes the diversity of viewpoints within it. This inclusive approach to Pantheism contrasts with virtually all other Pantheist organizations which have formed since our origin 25 years ago. It seemed to us then, and it still seems to us now, that attempting to identify members on the basis of mere "belief" is a poor way of doing things, because every single person in the world has their own personal views and beliefs, which are ultimately unique to each individual. More importantly, if we live with free minds and hearts, our beliefs can (or should) mutate over time as we grow and learn. In fact, so-called "beliefs" can his the ultimate Mystery that makes the world most beautiful and intriguing. The more science discovers, the more mysterious the world becomes. What unites us is not mere belief, but something much stronger: a burning desire to seek renewed reverence for the Earth and a vision of Nature as the ultimate context for human existence."
- Harold Wood, from "Our Twenty-Fifth Anniversary" in Pantheist Vision, Vol. 22, No. 4, Spring, 2001.
Why We Incorporated as a Church
In this article published in the Winter, 2018 issue of the Universal Pantheist Society’s Pantheist Vision journal, Harold Wood, the co-founder of the organization, explains why the group chose to make the Society America’s first pantheist “church” in 1975.
About our Board of Directors
2025 Board Membership
Margie Gibson
Margie Gibson is a conservation activist and graphic designer. Most of her working career concerned Alaska, starting in her native Washington State as an advocate for the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980. She moved to Anchorage as Alaska Representative for Friends of the Earth. She took a break from conservation work, returned to college to study graphic design, and opened her own graphic design business. Then, she resumed conservation work as executive director of an Alaska-based organization, the Arctic Network. In Alaska, she worked primarily on offshore oil leasing and climate change issues with Alaska Native communities. Margie currently lives in southern New Mexico. In 2022, she became President of the Gila Native Plant Society, and in 2025, President of the Native Plant Society of New Mexico. This interest in conservation that starts in your backyard was presaged in her book review "Support Biodiversity at Home: Gardening for Your Ecosystem," published in Vol. 38, No. 1, Pantheist Vision, Spring, 2021 (PDF on Box). You can see her images at: www.margieanngibson.com.
Margie joined the Society on February 13, 1980, and became a board member in 1983, serving as an At Large member for many years. In 2007 she became Secretary for the Society and then President in 2012.
Bernie Zaleha
Bernard Daley Zaleha, Ph.D., J.D., is a sociologist and former environmental attorney researching in the areas of environmental and political sociology, sociology of religion, environmental and religious studies generally, and environmental law, concentrating on pantheism and nature venerating religion in the United States, and anti-environmental backlash within conservative American Christianity. He earned his Ph.D. in Sociology and Environmental Studies at U.C. Santa Cruz in 2018, his M.A. in Religion and Nature at the University of Florida in 2008, writing his thesis on American pantheism from Thoreau to the present (tinyurl.com/BZaleha-AmericanPantheism). He received his Juris Doctor from Lewis and Clark Law School in 1987 and was an environmental litigator for 17 years. He has been an activist with the Sierra Club for more than three decades, serving in local, state, and national positions, and served as the national Vice President of the Sierra Club from 2004-2006. His scholarly articles include “Nature and Nature Religion” and “Environment and Ecology in American Religion Since the Mid-Nineteenth Century” in the Encyclopedia of Religion in America (2010) and “James Nash as Christian Deep Ecologist: Forging a New Eco-theology for the Third Millennium,” published in the Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. A book chapter and journal article, "Why conservative Christians don't believe in climate change" and “Keep Christianity Brown! Climate Denial on the Christian Right in the United States,” were published respectively in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (2015) and How the World's Religions are Responding to Climate Change (Routledge 2013), both co-authored with Andrew Szasz. He has presented papers on pantheism at the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture’s 2006, 2009, 2012, and 2025 conferences in Gainesville, Amsterdam, Malibu, and Santa Barbara respectively. Between 2021 and 2023, Bernie delivered a quartet of scholarly lectures exploring anti-environment hostility among contemporary American evangelicals (see youtu.be/0gb-vdXaljE and his YouTube channel generally).
Bernie joined the Society on December 29, 1996. He joined the board in February 2015, and became Vice-President in November, 2017.
Nancy Pearlman
Nancy Pearlman is an award-winning broadcaster, environmentalist, college educator, anthropologist, editor, educator, producer, on-air personality, and outdoorswoman who has made safeguarding the earth’s ecosystems a career.Since Nancy coordinated Earth Day in southern California in 1970, she has worked with hundreds of environmental and conservation organizations. She founded the Ecology Center of Southern California (1972), Project Ecotourism (1993), Campus Greening (1994) and many other ecological activities. Nancy Pearlman has served since 1972 as Executive Director of Educational Communications, a non-profit organization founded in 1958 to work on social, peace, art, media, and environmental change. She is Executive Producer and Host of ECONEWS television series (since 1984) and Environmental Directions radio series (since 1977). She founded the Ecology Center of Southern California, Project Ecotourism, Humanity and the Planet, and Earth Cultures. For 40 years, she has been the editor of the bi-monthly Compendium Newsletter. As an educator and anthropologist, she teaches ethnic world dances and performs with the Gypsy Folk Ensemble. She is Trustee Emeritus with the Los Angeles Community College District, having served four terms (sixteen years); during her tenure she led efforts to make all buildings and operations environmentally sustainable. The “Pearlman Cabin” in Idyllwild, California in the San Jacinto Mountains (between Palm Springs, Banning, and Hemet) is now listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. It is available for film and photo shoots, meetings, or visitations. This world-famous cabin was designed by John Lautner, a Frank Lloyd Wright protégé. She is active in many non-profit organizations and lives in southern California.
For more information, see: http://www.ecoprojects.org/nancypearlman.htm
Nancy joined the Society August 30, 1976. She joined the board in 1983, previously served as Vice-President, and became Secretary in November 2017.
Harold Wood
Treasurer - Editor
Harold has volunteered for the Universal Pantheist Society since he and Derham Giuliani co-founded the organization in 1975. He has served as the editor of the UPS quarterly journal Pantheist Vision and its predecessor newsletter since the beginning of the Society, authoring dozens of articles, essays, and book reviews relating to Pantheism. He has been a volunteer wilderness advocate and environmental activist and educator for over 50 years, including the Sierra Club with the Yosemite Conservation Heritage Center (formerly LeConte Memorial Lodge) and the John Muir Education Committee, and was a co-founder of Restore Hetch Hetchy. Harold is the webmaster of several websites for environmental organizations, including the John Muir Global Network, the Sierra Club’s John Muir Exhibit and a personal site, Planet Patriot. Many of his Pantheist Essays are available on the latter website, which also includes many of his Book Reviews as well as his inter-denominational presentations on environmentally-related topics, flowing from his pantheist approach to religion. He volunteers for several environmental organizations, retired as a government attorney. He lives in the shadow of the Catalina Mountains of Arizona. He focuses on “the eternal verities” of Nature to get the real news: our kin the fellow creatures on Earth, and our geological and cosmic realities.
Harold joined the Society as a co-founder on January 29, 1975 and has served on the board since then, currently as Treasurer, and earlier as secretary and a brief original term as President.
Notable Past Leaders
Derham Giuliani (1931 – 2010)
President 1975 - 2010
A co-founder of the Universal Pantheist Society and the organization's president since shortly after its inception until his death in 2010, Derham Giuliani contributed leadership to the Society for over three decades. He was an accomplished field naturalist engaged in animal behavior and population studies of insects, amphibians, and other life-forms in the Eastern Sierra and Great Basin regions. Derham submitted a previously unknown insect to the Smithsonian, which named the new species Tescalsia giulianiata, after its discoverer. A quintessential "desert rat," Derham Giuliani rejected "indoor philosophy" and spent most of his time in the great outdoors. Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area, he lived for many years in Big Pine, east of the Sierra Nevada mountains, in the great Owens Valley of California. To learn more about Derham, see this special issue of Pantheist Vision: September 2010 - Derham Giuliani: In Memorium - Lulu Press
Founding Board Member:
Enid Larson (1905 - 1991)
Vice-President 1975-1991
Enid Larson was born near Bishop in 1905 of an Eastern Sierra pioneering family. Her family was forced to sell their land
and move from the Owens Valley in 1923. She graduated from U.C. Berkeley with a degree in biology and taught for years in Oroville, Carmel and Walnut Creek high schools. Her teaching won national recognition in a 1957 Reader's Digest article, "The Teacher Who Won't Answer Questions." So inspiring was her teaching that 25 per cent of her biology students, reportedly went on to major in science. Her life-long study of Merriam's chipmunk gave her her the nickname "The Chipmunk Lady" and resulted in the publication of the classic work on rodent behavior: "Merriam's Chipmunk on Palo
Escrito in the Santa Lucia Mountains of California." Despite being a professional scientist, in the early days of the Universal Pantheist Society she gave "gift memberships" in the Society for two of her Chipmunk friends. Retiring from teaching, Enid returned to the Owens Valley in 1970, where she continued to work for the preservation of local ecosystems. She was active in local politics, the Sierra Club, Wilderness Society, Friends of the Earth, and the Universal Pantheist Society, and many enterprises advocating world peace. She served as Vice-President in the Universal Pantheist Society since its founding in 1975 until her death in 1991.
To learn more about Enid, see this special issue of Pantheist Vision: April, 1991 - Enid Larson: In Memorium (PDF) - on our box.com file sharing site.
Board Member Emeritus
Gary Suttle (1945-2015)
UPS member since 1981, Gary Suttle was an environmental activist and the author of California County Summits. In 1992 Gary received the San Diego Chapter of the Sierra Club "Conservation Activist of the Year" award for his role in stopping a proposed roadway from slicing through Mission Trails Regional Park. He was a frequent contributor to our newsletter since 1981, and served for many years on the board of directors of the Universal Pantheist Society - between 1999-2010. He was also founder and President of the Pantheist Association for Nature. which hosts a wonderful collection of his original writings about Pantheism. His many essays cover various facets of ancient and modern forms of pantheism, and honors dozens of Pantheists old and new. His unbridled enthusiasm for nature is revealed in his website's motto: "Bringing a radiant sense of the sacred to everyday life." HIs writings continue to be drawn from for our Society as he wished us to do. Gary retired from the UPS board due to health problems in 2010, and passed away in March, 2015. Gary lived in San Diego, California, and is survived by his wife and two adult children.
Board Member Emeritus
Bill Cahalan
Bill Cahalan is a clinical psychologist who began leading Earth awareness retreats in 1983. He is passionate about being grounded in an eco-spiritual world view. He includes an Earth awareness focus in therapeutic work with clients. Several of his articles and two booklets on ecopsychology and related subjects have been published, and he has written several articles for our newsletter Pantheist Vision. His activism has included working toward alternatives to urban sprawl, helping grow local sustainable food economies, and educating for watershed consciousness to help motivate resistance against the assault on land health and human health involved in high-volume hydraulic fracturing for gas. He lives with his wife and son in an urban neighborhood where with neighbors they operate a community-supported agriculture project. He lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Bill joined the Society January 15, 1986; he joined the Board in 1987. He became a Board Member Emeritus on August 6, 2017.
Board Member Emeritus
Sharon Wells
Sharon was born and raised in the mountains of western North Carolina and still resides in a small town within a short distance of both the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. In the past, she was an avid camper and day hiker, but now most of her free time, when not working full-time as a Health Documentation Specialist, is largely spent baby-sitting her two young granddaughters and spending time with family and her three cats (at one point she was a volunteer for the local no-kill cat shelter). Her interests include Pantheism/deep ecology, religious naturalism, working in her yard, genealogy (especially her Irish roots), writing, animal rights, and ethical eating. Sharon learned about Pantheism back in 2002 and joined the Universal Pantheist Society, as well as spending several years as an active participant in the World Pantheist Movement, and helping form a local Pantheist group that met in Asheville, NC. One of her chief influences was "Accepting the Universe" by John Burroughs. Realizing the importance of connecting with other Pantheists, she began actively and regularly participating on the UPS websites, feeling its approach to pantheism best matches her own, summed up in the quote, "I believe in God, only I spell it N-A-T-U-R-E" (Frank Lloyd Wright). Sharon considers herself a voice for the everyday Pantheists who experience the simple pleasures of nature found in their own neighborhoods and backyards. Bird watching has become a new hobby. She has been a frequent contributor to our quarterly, Pantheist Vision, and has provided a crucial contribution in proofreading for the publication. She has been the primary administrator for our Universal Pantheists Facebook Group, and our Universal Pantheist Society blog. She maintains a personal blog titled Everyday Pantheism. Sharon joined the Society December 2, 2002 and joined the Board in April, 2017, serving until spring of 2021. She remains active on our Facebook group and in a supportive role to the organization.
Margie Gibson
Margie Gibson is a conservation activist and graphic designer. Most of her working career concerned Alaska, starting in her native Washington State as an advocate for the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980. She moved to Anchorage as Alaska Representative for Friends of the Earth. She took a break from conservation work, returned to college to study graphic design, and opened her own graphic design business. Then, she resumed conservation work as executive director of an Alaska-based organization, the Arctic Network. In Alaska, she worked primarily on offshore oil leasing and climate change issues with Alaska Native communities. Margie currently lives in southern New Mexico. In 2022, she became President of the Gila Native Plant Society, and in 2025, President of the Native Plant Society of New Mexico. This interest in conservation that starts in your backyard was presaged in her book review "Support Biodiversity at Home: Gardening for Your Ecosystem," published in Vol. 38, No. 1, Pantheist Vision, Spring, 2021 (PDF on Box). You can see her images at: www.margieanngibson.com.
Margie joined the Society on February 13, 1980, and became a board member in 1983, serving as an At Large member for many years. In 2007 she became Secretary for the Society and then President in 2012.
Bernie Zaleha
Bernard Daley Zaleha, Ph.D., J.D., is a sociologist and former environmental attorney researching in the areas of environmental and political sociology, sociology of religion, environmental and religious studies generally, and environmental law, concentrating on pantheism and nature venerating religion in the United States, and anti-environmental backlash within conservative American Christianity. He earned his Ph.D. in Sociology and Environmental Studies at U.C. Santa Cruz in 2018, his M.A. in Religion and Nature at the University of Florida in 2008, writing his thesis on American pantheism from Thoreau to the present (tinyurl.com/BZaleha-AmericanPantheism). He received his Juris Doctor from Lewis and Clark Law School in 1987 and was an environmental litigator for 17 years. He has been an activist with the Sierra Club for more than three decades, serving in local, state, and national positions, and served as the national Vice President of the Sierra Club from 2004-2006. His scholarly articles include “Nature and Nature Religion” and “Environment and Ecology in American Religion Since the Mid-Nineteenth Century” in the Encyclopedia of Religion in America (2010) and “James Nash as Christian Deep Ecologist: Forging a New Eco-theology for the Third Millennium,” published in the Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. A book chapter and journal article, "Why conservative Christians don't believe in climate change" and “Keep Christianity Brown! Climate Denial on the Christian Right in the United States,” were published respectively in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (2015) and How the World's Religions are Responding to Climate Change (Routledge 2013), both co-authored with Andrew Szasz. He has presented papers on pantheism at the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture’s 2006, 2009, 2012, and 2025 conferences in Gainesville, Amsterdam, Malibu, and Santa Barbara respectively. Between 2021 and 2023, Bernie delivered a quartet of scholarly lectures exploring anti-environment hostility among contemporary American evangelicals (see youtu.be/0gb-vdXaljE and his YouTube channel generally).
Bernie joined the Society on December 29, 1996. He joined the board in February 2015, and became Vice-President in November, 2017.
Nancy Pearlman
Nancy Pearlman is an award-winning broadcaster, environmentalist, college educator, anthropologist, editor, educator, producer, on-air personality, and outdoorswoman who has made safeguarding the earth’s ecosystems a career.Since Nancy coordinated Earth Day in southern California in 1970, she has worked with hundreds of environmental and conservation organizations. She founded the Ecology Center of Southern California (1972), Project Ecotourism (1993), Campus Greening (1994) and many other ecological activities. Nancy Pearlman has served since 1972 as Executive Director of Educational Communications, a non-profit organization founded in 1958 to work on social, peace, art, media, and environmental change. She is Executive Producer and Host of ECONEWS television series (since 1984) and Environmental Directions radio series (since 1977). She founded the Ecology Center of Southern California, Project Ecotourism, Humanity and the Planet, and Earth Cultures. For 40 years, she has been the editor of the bi-monthly Compendium Newsletter. As an educator and anthropologist, she teaches ethnic world dances and performs with the Gypsy Folk Ensemble. She is Trustee Emeritus with the Los Angeles Community College District, having served four terms (sixteen years); during her tenure she led efforts to make all buildings and operations environmentally sustainable. The “Pearlman Cabin” in Idyllwild, California in the San Jacinto Mountains (between Palm Springs, Banning, and Hemet) is now listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. It is available for film and photo shoots, meetings, or visitations. This world-famous cabin was designed by John Lautner, a Frank Lloyd Wright protégé. She is active in many non-profit organizations and lives in southern California.
For more information, see: http://www.ecoprojects.org/nancypearlman.htm
Nancy joined the Society August 30, 1976. She joined the board in 1983, previously served as Vice-President, and became Secretary in November 2017.
Harold Wood
Treasurer - Editor
Harold has volunteered for the Universal Pantheist Society since he and Derham Giuliani co-founded the organization in 1975. He has served as the editor of the UPS quarterly journal Pantheist Vision and its predecessor newsletter since the beginning of the Society, authoring dozens of articles, essays, and book reviews relating to Pantheism. He has been a volunteer wilderness advocate and environmental activist and educator for over 50 years, including the Sierra Club with the Yosemite Conservation Heritage Center (formerly LeConte Memorial Lodge) and the John Muir Education Committee, and was a co-founder of Restore Hetch Hetchy. Harold is the webmaster of several websites for environmental organizations, including the John Muir Global Network, the Sierra Club’s John Muir Exhibit and a personal site, Planet Patriot. Many of his Pantheist Essays are available on the latter website, which also includes many of his Book Reviews as well as his inter-denominational presentations on environmentally-related topics, flowing from his pantheist approach to religion. He volunteers for several environmental organizations, retired as a government attorney. He lives in the shadow of the Catalina Mountains of Arizona. He focuses on “the eternal verities” of Nature to get the real news: our kin the fellow creatures on Earth, and our geological and cosmic realities.
Harold joined the Society as a co-founder on January 29, 1975 and has served on the board since then, currently as Treasurer, and earlier as secretary and a brief original term as President.
Notable Past Leaders
Derham Giuliani (1931 – 2010)
President 1975 - 2010
A co-founder of the Universal Pantheist Society and the organization's president since shortly after its inception until his death in 2010, Derham Giuliani contributed leadership to the Society for over three decades. He was an accomplished field naturalist engaged in animal behavior and population studies of insects, amphibians, and other life-forms in the Eastern Sierra and Great Basin regions. Derham submitted a previously unknown insect to the Smithsonian, which named the new species Tescalsia giulianiata, after its discoverer. A quintessential "desert rat," Derham Giuliani rejected "indoor philosophy" and spent most of his time in the great outdoors. Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area, he lived for many years in Big Pine, east of the Sierra Nevada mountains, in the great Owens Valley of California. To learn more about Derham, see this special issue of Pantheist Vision: September 2010 - Derham Giuliani: In Memorium - Lulu Press
Founding Board Member:
Enid Larson (1905 - 1991)
Vice-President 1975-1991
Enid Larson was born near Bishop in 1905 of an Eastern Sierra pioneering family. Her family was forced to sell their land
and move from the Owens Valley in 1923. She graduated from U.C. Berkeley with a degree in biology and taught for years in Oroville, Carmel and Walnut Creek high schools. Her teaching won national recognition in a 1957 Reader's Digest article, "The Teacher Who Won't Answer Questions." So inspiring was her teaching that 25 per cent of her biology students, reportedly went on to major in science. Her life-long study of Merriam's chipmunk gave her her the nickname "The Chipmunk Lady" and resulted in the publication of the classic work on rodent behavior: "Merriam's Chipmunk on Palo
Escrito in the Santa Lucia Mountains of California." Despite being a professional scientist, in the early days of the Universal Pantheist Society she gave "gift memberships" in the Society for two of her Chipmunk friends. Retiring from teaching, Enid returned to the Owens Valley in 1970, where she continued to work for the preservation of local ecosystems. She was active in local politics, the Sierra Club, Wilderness Society, Friends of the Earth, and the Universal Pantheist Society, and many enterprises advocating world peace. She served as Vice-President in the Universal Pantheist Society since its founding in 1975 until her death in 1991.
To learn more about Enid, see this special issue of Pantheist Vision: April, 1991 - Enid Larson: In Memorium (PDF) - on our box.com file sharing site.
Board Member Emeritus
Gary Suttle (1945-2015)
UPS member since 1981, Gary Suttle was an environmental activist and the author of California County Summits. In 1992 Gary received the San Diego Chapter of the Sierra Club "Conservation Activist of the Year" award for his role in stopping a proposed roadway from slicing through Mission Trails Regional Park. He was a frequent contributor to our newsletter since 1981, and served for many years on the board of directors of the Universal Pantheist Society - between 1999-2010. He was also founder and President of the Pantheist Association for Nature. which hosts a wonderful collection of his original writings about Pantheism. His many essays cover various facets of ancient and modern forms of pantheism, and honors dozens of Pantheists old and new. His unbridled enthusiasm for nature is revealed in his website's motto: "Bringing a radiant sense of the sacred to everyday life." HIs writings continue to be drawn from for our Society as he wished us to do. Gary retired from the UPS board due to health problems in 2010, and passed away in March, 2015. Gary lived in San Diego, California, and is survived by his wife and two adult children.
Board Member Emeritus
Bill Cahalan
Bill Cahalan is a clinical psychologist who began leading Earth awareness retreats in 1983. He is passionate about being grounded in an eco-spiritual world view. He includes an Earth awareness focus in therapeutic work with clients. Several of his articles and two booklets on ecopsychology and related subjects have been published, and he has written several articles for our newsletter Pantheist Vision. His activism has included working toward alternatives to urban sprawl, helping grow local sustainable food economies, and educating for watershed consciousness to help motivate resistance against the assault on land health and human health involved in high-volume hydraulic fracturing for gas. He lives with his wife and son in an urban neighborhood where with neighbors they operate a community-supported agriculture project. He lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Bill joined the Society January 15, 1986; he joined the Board in 1987. He became a Board Member Emeritus on August 6, 2017.
Board Member Emeritus
Sharon Wells
Sharon was born and raised in the mountains of western North Carolina and still resides in a small town within a short distance of both the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. In the past, she was an avid camper and day hiker, but now most of her free time, when not working full-time as a Health Documentation Specialist, is largely spent baby-sitting her two young granddaughters and spending time with family and her three cats (at one point she was a volunteer for the local no-kill cat shelter). Her interests include Pantheism/deep ecology, religious naturalism, working in her yard, genealogy (especially her Irish roots), writing, animal rights, and ethical eating. Sharon learned about Pantheism back in 2002 and joined the Universal Pantheist Society, as well as spending several years as an active participant in the World Pantheist Movement, and helping form a local Pantheist group that met in Asheville, NC. One of her chief influences was "Accepting the Universe" by John Burroughs. Realizing the importance of connecting with other Pantheists, she began actively and regularly participating on the UPS websites, feeling its approach to pantheism best matches her own, summed up in the quote, "I believe in God, only I spell it N-A-T-U-R-E" (Frank Lloyd Wright). Sharon considers herself a voice for the everyday Pantheists who experience the simple pleasures of nature found in their own neighborhoods and backyards. Bird watching has become a new hobby. She has been a frequent contributor to our quarterly, Pantheist Vision, and has provided a crucial contribution in proofreading for the publication. She has been the primary administrator for our Universal Pantheists Facebook Group, and our Universal Pantheist Society blog. She maintains a personal blog titled Everyday Pantheism. Sharon joined the Society December 2, 2002 and joined the Board in April, 2017, serving until spring of 2021. She remains active on our Facebook group and in a supportive role to the organization.
"If I am right in my diagnosis of mankind's present-day distress,
the remedy lies in reverting from the world view of monotheism
to the world view of pantheism, which is older and was once universal."
- Arnold Toynbee
the remedy lies in reverting from the world view of monotheism
to the world view of pantheism, which is older and was once universal."
- Arnold Toynbee
Universal Pantheist Society Documents
- Bylaws
- Sacerdotal and Ceremonial Policy
- Pantheist Vision - Selected articles from our quarterly newsletter
- Special Publications
- Membership Application Form
For more information about modern Pantheism, contact us or write:
Universal Pantheist Society
P.O. Box 69644
Tucson, AZ 85737