The following are links which may be of interest to Pantheists. Linking here does not imply endorsement by the Universal Pantheist Society. Please note: Some of these links to other pantheist-related sites may be broken due to failure of that website's administrators to keep their website updated or their domain renewed.
Websites by Universal Pantheist Society Members
- Pantheist Association for Nature - Bringing a radiant sense of the sacred to everyday life, by late Universal Pantheist Society Board Emeritus Gary Suttle.
- The Great Story - The 14 billion year epic of Cosmos, life, and humanity told as a sacred story glorifying all, by member Connie Barlow.
- Friendly Freethinker - Prolific author and essayist, by long-time member Chris Highland.
- Michael Branch, Writer - writer, humorist, desert rat, and environmentalist Michael Branch has been a UPS member for many years.
- Planet Patriot by Universal Pantheist Society editor Harold Wood
other pantheist - related sites
- The Aldo Leopold Land Ethic Campaign - Promoting the legendary ecologist's view that we must learn to recognize ourselves as "plain members and citizens" of the biotic community.
- Scientific Pantheism by Paul Harrison - reverence for Nature and Cosmos.
A thorough exploration of the history, philosophy, and meaning of Pantheism from the viewpoint of a "Scientific Pantheist." Though branded as "World Pantheism," former UPS board member Harrison's pantheism is focused on just one type of pantheism, pure "scientific pantheism." - An Introduction to Pantheism - by philosophy professor Jan Garrett
- Einstein and Religion - showing Enistein's pantheistic religious beliefs.
- Stephen Hawking as a Pantheist - Although officially designated in some circles as "atheist," Hawking has clearly expressed pantheistic views, believing that the entire universe is God, and that religion, based on authority, is inferior to science, which is based on observation and reason.
- Religous Naturalism Online - "We find our sources of meaning within the natural world, where humans are understood to be emergent from and hence a part of nature." An excellent organization, fully compatible with modern Pantheism.