Don't forget that if you order things from Amazon, you can support the Universal Pantheist Society by going through Amazon Smile and selecting the UPS as your organization. We get a small percentage as a donation from your purchases. Just use Amazon Smile each time for the contribution to be in effect. Money brought in goes towards printing of Pantheist Vision and postage and any website fees. It doesn't cost you anything extra, and it will remember your chosen charity for the next time. From Pantheist Vision, we read:
This eminent British historian and major interpreter of Western Civilization in the 20th century was born in 1889. Toynbee's sweeping perspective on human history led him to affirm a Pantheist world view: "If I am right in my diagnosis of mankind's present-day distress, the remedy lies in reverting from the Weltanschauung of monotheism to the Weltanschauung of pantheism, which is older and was once universal."
Orangutans need our help! They are critically endangered, and the production of palm oil is destroying their homes. Read more about them and what you can do at the Orangutan Foundation site and watch the video below from the Born Free Foundation.
A beautiful article, a little different than what we normally post here, but hopefully will resonate with some. Nature, birds, all parts of our lives intertwined. Click below to read in its entirety, shared by the National Audubon Society.
Photograph nature where you are. Observe patterns and changes in a place through the seasons. See and understand our earth, our environment more deeply.
"The animals in our environment have just as much right to live on this planet as we do." Click on the photo for the full article. From Pantheist Vision we read:
Astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson observes that Margaret Burbridge, born on this day in 1919, gave us "the greatest gift of astrophysics to civilization in the 20th century," proving that we are largely made of stardust. In 1957, she was the lead author of a landmark scientific paper on the origin of chemical elements, showing that most elements are forged by thermonuclear reactions within stars, in a process now called stellar nucleosynthesis. This includes elements such as carbon that make up plants and animals, oxygen in the atmosphere, and gold and silver mined from the ground. She was considered one of the foremost astronomers in the world, and long regarded as a trailblazer for women in the field, well known for her work opposing discrimination against women in astronomy. Do you love watching birds in your yard? Do you feed them? Should you? Click on the picture below to get some answers about feeding our feathered friends...or not.
Have you enjoyed some of the wonders of Nature right outside your door or window today? It could be a little hummingbird, colorful summer flowers, fluffy white clouds, or maybe a many to choose from...every day. (from the Saganism Facebook page)
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