Peccaries, also know as Javelina are a pig like animal found throughout the Caribbean, Central America, large areas of South America and the south western parts of North America.
Peccaries are distant relatives of the pig but are not of the same family and have very distinct differences. Even so they are referred to as New World pigs.
There are 3 species of Peccary. The white-lipped peccary, the Chacoan peccary and the collared peccary.
Peccaries mostly eat cactus, roots and seeds but will eat grubs and insects if they are available. They have adapted to being around humans and can be found in cities and agricultural areas. Living mostly in groups of 6-9 individuals a group of peccaries is called a Squadron.
An interesting little animal that seem quite at peace with their surroundings.
If you would like to know more about peccaries I have included some links below:
By Brendon Crook