Soil is one of the most important factors for life on earth. It allows flora and fauna to flourish in a most amazing and diverse way.
Soil is made up of minerals, rocks, living and dead organisms, air and water and is regarded by soil scientists as an eco-system due to its complexity.
Soil is constantly forming although in human terms at a very slow rate and forms at varying speeds depending on location/climate.
Fossilized soil dates back at least 2500 million years although modern soil dates back to a little more than 2.5 million years.
Soil has 4 important functions:
1/ As a means for plant growth.
2/ As water storage and purification
3/ A habitat for organisms many of which we can't see with the naked eye.
4/ Helping with adaptation of the earths atmosphere.
Soil has been and continues to be lost due to human activity including agriculture, urban development, pollution and salination with little thought of just how important and valuable it is to life on earth including our own.
It is a vital component to the flourishing of the biological world.
It can also do wonders for your connection to the planet.
Holding soil in your hands and meditating on the millions of years it took to produce and the millions of lives you are holding within the soil in your hands is an awe inspiring experience.
Planting trees in the rich soil is also a wonderful way to open your heart in deep reflection of the power and life giving properties of soil.
The smell of wet soil after rain can stimulate the senses and bring much pleasure and relaxation.
Below are some links you may enjoy on soil and the benefits to human mental health soil can have on us.
Information on the formation and value of soil:
Information on the benefits of soil to human mental health:
Hi kids, Here is some really good info and a cool video on how great soil is!!!
By Brendon Crook